Re: [compute-pressure] Focus control in privacy test steps (#185)

> Let’s consider a special case. As shown in the picture, Main frame A embedded iframe B, iframe B embedded iframe C, iframe C embedded iframe D. Main frame A and iframe C are same -origin, iframe B and iframe D are same-origin, but Main frame A and iframe B are cross-origin. According to the spec, If we focus on iframe B, observer in Iframe D can receive PressureRecord, right? Because top-level browsing context has system (system focus is actually per window, so if the iframe has focus, the top-level browsing context will have system focus) and the document (iframe D) is same-origin with focused document (iframe B).

According to the spec (as it is written right now), only the focused frame (and anyone same origin with it's origin) can receive events. The frame also has to have all its parents having granted permission policy (auto granted for top level frame) 

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