Re: [community-group] Dimension type expanded unit types (#245)

I'm not sold on the `vendor` property concept.

If the idea is that `vendor` will hold the name of whatever design tool produced the tokens file, that puts a pretty large burden on design token parsers/transformers to support and maintain mappings from each design tool's units to each target platform's units.

The only other use I can imagine for such a property would be for design tools to optionally denote that the unit is platform specific...

    "value": 5,
    "unit": "vh",
    "vendor": "web"

...but for this approach to be useful, design tools would all need to be consistent in their usage of both `unit` and the optional property. At that point we're back to needing to document units in the spec. While less important, the name of the property should probably also be reconsidered if this is the intended usage.

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