Re: [community-group] Remove REM/EM from specification? (#218)

What do we gain by having to explicitly include the unit, if the goal is to be platform/tool agnostic? 

> I'm actually more concerned about whether or not we ought to add more relative units (E.g. %, vw, vh, ch...) in the future, so as not to limit what design intents people can express in the format.

Please also consider variable units Maybe my org wants to use a custom `flibble` unit in the future.

As it stands, requiring "px" or "rem" prevents me from being able to use maths like 

`"value": "{dimension.xs} * {dimension.scale}"`

Preventing me from doing that might be the feature, not a bug, but without understanding why I need to be explicit with a value, it's frustrating. 

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