Re: [community-group] Remove REM/EM from specification? (#218)

> What do we gain by having to explicitly include the unit, if the goal is to be platform/tool agnostic?
> > I'm actually more concerned about whether or not we ought to add more relative units (E.g. %, vw, vh, ch...) in the future, so as not to limit what design intents people can express in the format.
> Please also consider variable units Maybe my org wants to use a custom `flibble` unit in the future.
> As it stands, requiring "px" or "rem" prevents me from being able to use maths like
> `"value": "{dimension.xs} * {dimension.scale}"`
> Preventing me from doing that might be the feature, not a bug, but without understanding why I need to be explicit with a value, it's frustrating.

That's why tokens need to be transformed based on the destination platforms supported. Any kind of unit should be banned because they are always platform specific and outside the scope of the spec.

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