Re: [community-group] The $ property name prefix should be unnecessary with a well-structured schema (#225)

Your observations on the Design Token Schema standard are insightful. Drawing from the W3C Design Tokens standard you provided:

1. **Consistency Across the Specification**: One of the key takeaways from the spec is the drive for consistency. The `$` prefix consistently differentiates official properties from user-defined token names. This can help improve clarity and comprehension, especially when parsing these tokens.

2. **Collision Prevention**: The `$` prefix is a neat solution to avoid potential naming clashes. It ensures that as the spec evolves, new properties can be introduced without running into naming conflicts with user-defined token names.

3. **Clear Token vs. Nested Group Differentiation**: The spec's use of the `$` prefix also simplifies the distinction between tokens and nested groups. This clear demarcation aids in reducing the complexity of parsing logic.

However, I do resonate with your points about the inherent complexity introduced by the `$` prefix. Striking the right balance between a robust standard and user-friendliness is challenging. Your feedback highlights some areas where the spec might improve to be more intuitive.

Thanks for sparking this conversation! It's discussions like these that help the community grow and refine its understanding.

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