Re: [community-group] The $ property name prefix should be unnecessary with a well-structured schema (#225)

I can agree with @justinfagnani

1. There shouldn't be any case like a group with the name `value`. In my view, it's a wrong JSON file. I mean it's also possible if someone will call a group `$value`.

  "value": {
    "description": "This is an example of a group containing a nested group",
    "tokens": {
      "subgroup_of_tokens": {
        "token_1_name": {
          "type": "color",
          "value": "#aabbcc"
        "token_2_name": {
          "type": "color",
          "value": "#ddeeff"

2. even then, there shouldn't be any collisions because each `token` object contains a `type` property, so I can check if `value.type` exists.

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