shapes-ISSUE-210 (Expected type): value types and expected types [SHACL Spec]

shapes-ISSUE-210 (Expected type): value types and expected types [SHACL Spec]

Raised by: Karen Coyle
On product: SHACL Spec

Peter's email:

"The value type, i.e., expected type, of sh:minCount is xsd:integer.  The
definition of expected type is:

"Expected Type
In a shapes graph, the values of a property or a property path can have an
expected type. These nodes are treated as instances of specific classes,
even when these nodes are not SHACL instances of these classes. For example,
the objects of triples with sh:shape as predicate have sh:Shape as expected
type and there does not need to be a triple with the object node as the
subject, rdf:type as predicate and sh:Shape as object in the shapes graph."

This means any node can be the object of sh:minCount in a constraint so that

s:s1 rdf:type sh:Shape ;
 sh:property [ sh:predicate ex:child ;
               sh:minCount ex:John ] .

is a valid shape.

All constraint parameters with a value type that is a datatype have similar

Received on Sunday, 20 November 2016 21:01:26 UTC