Re: shapes-ISSUE-161 (terminology): [EDITORIAL] terminology fixups [SHACL Spec]

On 14/05/2016 15:24, RDF Data Shapes Working Group Issue Tracker wrote:
> Shape
> A shape is a node in a shapes graph that [A shape is a node in a shapes
> graph that is a SHACL instance of sh:Shape?.  A shape] provides a collection
> of scopes, filters, and constraints that specify how a data graph is
> validated against the shape.  Shapes can also provide non-validating
> information, such as labels and names.

On the last sentence, what are you referring to? sh:name is only 
supported at (property) constraints, not shapes. How would "names" be 
different from "labels"? If you are referring to rdfs:label, then why is 
this worth pointing out - any resource may have an rdfs:label or similar 
"annotation" properties.

> Validation of a node against a shape
> A node in a data graph is said to validate against a shape if validation of
> that node against the shape neither produces any validation results that are
> violations nor results in a failure.

I have merged this with the Validation... paragraph, as this is closely 
related and does not introduce new terms. Please respond if that's not 
OK for you.

> Scope
> A scope is a triple or node in a shapes graph that specfies which nodes in a
> data graph are considered in-scope for a shape.  Valdating a shape in a
> shapes graph involves validating the in-scope nodes for all scopes of the
> shape.  SHACL provides several different kinds of scopes, most notably all
> SHACL instances in the data graph of a node in the data graph or a given
> node in the data graph.
> Focus Node
> A node in a data graph that is validated against a shape is called a focus
> node.
> Filter
> A filter is a shape in a shapes graph that limits the nodes that are
> validated against the constraints of another shape.  Only those nodes that
> validate against all the filters of a shape are validated against its
> constraints.
> Constraint
> A constraint is a node in a shapes graph that determines how to validate
> focus nodes based on the values of properties of the node.  Constraints can,
> for example, require that a focus node be an IRI or that a focus node has a
> particular value for a property and also a minumum number of values for the
> property.  Constraints that are about a particular property and its values
> for the focus node are called property constraints.  Constraints that are
> about a particular property and its inverse values for the focus node are
> called inverse property constraints.  Constraints can also have
> non-validating properties (such as names and default values) that do not
> lead to validation results.
> Constraint Component, Parameter
> A constraint component represents a part of a constraint that is determined
> by the values one or more properties.  These properties are called
> parameters.  For example, sh:minCount is a parameter for the component that
> checks whether the focus node has at least a minimun number of values for a
> particular property. Validating a node against a constraint involves
> validating the node against each of its components.

Otherwise OK. I am glad we are making some progress.


Received on Monday, 16 May 2016 00:20:59 UTC