Re: abstract syntax for SHACL

Is it a requirement of SHACL that the extension mechanism be used to 
define the core? I don't remember that.


On 7/2/16 7:30 PM, Holger Knublauch wrote:
> We should be clear that this Abstract Syntax is only for the Core
> language of SHACL. I believe a more general Abstract Syntax would need
> to be starting with the extension mechanism, and then use itself to
> describe the core vocab.
> But I guess if the goal is to create a linkage between ShEx and SHACL,
> then this doesn't matter much.
> Holger
> On 1/07/2016 1:12, Eric Prud'hommeaux wrote:
>> finishing the remaining Parameters...
>> * Eric Prud'hommeaux <> [2016-06-29 11:30-0400]
>>> In order to tie the surface syntax of ShEx to SHACL, I wrote up an
>>> abstract syntax for SHACL. I tried to use the same types as described
>>> in the SHACL document but I'd like folks to check it for consistency.
>>> Notation
>>>    TypeName := label1:Type1, label2:Set[Type2]
>>> means TypeName has two component addressed by label1 and label2.
>>> label1 is a Type1 (defined elsewhere in the abstract syntax or in
>>> RDF standards) and label2 is a set of things matching Type2.
>> Schema        := shapes:Set[Shape]
>>    A Schema is a set of Shapes. (Do we care about schema boundaries?)
>> Shape         := label:IRI|BNode, scopes:Set[Scope],
>>                filters:Set[Shape], constraints:Set[Constraint]
>>    A Shape has a label of some IRI or BNode, and sets of scopes, filter
>>    shapes and constraints.
>>    The "in-scope" nodes are the nodes in the data graph which
>>      1 match any of the scopes.
>>      2 pass all of the filter Shapes. (Scopes in filter Shapes have no
>>        effect.)
>>    Validation returns the set of errors returned from testing each
>>    constraint against each "focus node" in the in-scope node.
>> # Scopes
>> Scope         := ScopeNode|ScopeClass|PropertyScope|InversePropertyScope
>>    A Scope is either a ScopeNode or a ScopeClass or a PropertyScope.
>> ScopeNode     := node:IRI|Bnode # later demands told bnodes.
>>    A ScopeNode matches node in the data graph.
>> ScopeClass    := type:IRI
>>    A ScopeClass matches any node in the data graph with the triple
>>    (node, rdf:type, type).
>> PropertyScope := predicate:IRI
>>    A PropertyScope matches any node in the data graph with a triple
>>    (node, predicate, _) where "_" is any node.
>> InversePropertyScope := predicate:IRI
>>    A PropertyScope matches any node in the data graph with a triple
>>    (_, predicate, node) where "_" is any node.
>> # Constraints
>> Constraint    := NodeConstraint|PropertyConstraint|
>>                   InversePropertyConstraint|Constraint
>>    A Constraint is either PropertyConstraint or InversePropertyConstraint
>>    or a NodeConstraint. Each type of Constraint selects a value node
>>    and tests it against a set of Paramenters. Parameters take
>>    arguments, including "numeric" which is the set of SPARQL numeric
>>    types enumerated in SPARQL Operand Data Types
>>    <>.
>>    Exceptions: three Parameters, MinCount, MaxCount, and UniqueLang are
>>    evaluated against the set of all value nodes identified for testing
>>    by PropertyConstraint or InversePropertyConstraint.
>>    Three other Parameters, QualifiedMinCount, QualifiedMaxCount, and
>>    QualifiedValueShape, are evaluated against the set of all value
>>    nodes identified for testing by PropertyConstraint or
>>    InversePropertyConstraint and for which the evaluation of all other
>>    Parameters returned no errors.
>> NodeConstraint := parms:Set[NCParameter]
>>    Testing a NodeConstraint against a focus node returns all of the
>>    errors from testing each NCParameter against the the value node
>>    where the value node is the focus node.
>> PropertyConstraint := predicate:IRI, parms:Set[PCParameter]
>>    Testing a NodeConstraint against a focus node returns all of the
>> errors
>>    from testing each NCParameter against each value node in the triple
>>    (focus node, predicate, value node).
>> InversePropertyConstraint := predicate:IRI, parms:Set[IPCParameter]
>>    Testing a NodeConstraint against a focus node returns all of the
>> errors
>>    from testing each NCParameter against each value node in the triple
>>    (value node, predicate, focus node).
>> Constraint    := @@still fuzzy on what's permitted in a general
>> constraint.
>>    Extrapolate from Closed?
>> NP, PC and IPC Parameters are listed in the first table in
>> <>.
>> # Nary Parameters - evaluate a set of value nodes.
>> ## Cardinality: PC, ICP
>> MinCount      := ref:numeric
>>    Testing a MinCount parameter against a set of value nodes returns an
>>    error if the number of value nodes is less than ref.
>> QualifiedMinCount := ref:numeric
>>    As noted above, QualifiedMinCount takes a set of value nodes that
>>    have passed all non-cardinality tests. It's evaluation is the same
>>    as the evaluation of MinCount.
>> MaxCount      := ref:numeric
>>    Testing a MaxCount parameter against a set of value nodes returns an
>>    error if the number of value nodes is greater than ref.
>> QualifiedMaxCount := ref:numeric
>>    As noted above, QualifiedMaxCount takes a set of value nodes that
>>    have passed all non-cardinality tests. It's evaluation is the same
>>    as the evaluation of MaxCount.
>> UniqueLang    := b:boolean
>>    Testing a UniqueLang parameter against a set of value nodes returns an
>>    error if two or more of the value nodes are RDFLiterals with the same
>>    language tag.
>> # Unary Parameters - evaluate a single value node.
>> ## Logical operators: NC, PC, IPC
>> And           := shapes:Set[Shape]
>>    Testing an And parameter against a value node returns the errors from
>>    testing each of shapes against the value node.
>> Or            := shapes:Set[Shape]
>>    Testing an Or parameter against a value node returns an unspecified
>>    error if testing each of shapes against the value node returned an
>>    error.
>>    Not           := shape:Shape
>>    Testing an Or parameter against a value node returns an unspecified
>>    error if testing shape against the value node returned no
>>    error.
>> ## RDF term type of value node: NC, PC, IPC
>> NodeKind      := kind:"IRI"|"blank node"|"literal"
>>    Testing a NodeKind parameter against a value node returns an error if
>>      • kind = "IRI" and value node is not an IRI
>>      • kind = "blank node" and value node is not an blank node
>>      • kind = "literal" and value node is not an RDFLiteral
>> ## RDF term equivalence: NC, PC, IPC
>> HasValue      := val:RDF term @@ listed as PC, IPC as of 2016-06-30
>>    Testing a HasValue parameter against a value node returns an error if
>>    the value node is a different RDF term than val.
>> In            := vals:Set[RDF term]
>>    Testing a HasValue parameter against a value node returns an error if
>>    the value node is not in vals.
>> ## Datatype: NC, PC
>> Datatype      := dt:IRI
>>    Testing a Datatype parameter against a value node returns an error if
>>    the value node is not an RDFLiteral or of the datatype of the value
>>    node is not the same RDF term as dt.
>> DatatypeIn    := dts:Set[IRI]
>>    Testing a Datatype parameter against a value node returns an error if
>>    the value node is not an RDFLiteral or of the datatype of the value
>>    node is not the set dts.
>> ## lexical form parameters:
>> ### XML Schema string facets: NC, PC, ICP
>> MinLength     := ref:numeric
>>    Testing a MinLength paramenter against a value node returns an error
>>    if the lexical form of the value node is longer than ref.
>> MaxLength     := ref:numeric
>>    Testing a MinLength paramenter against a value node returns an error
>>    if the lexical form of the value node is shorter than ref.
>> Pattern       := pat:RDFLiteral
>>    Testing a Pattern paramenter against a value node returns an error
>>    if evaluating the SPARQL regex function with the lexical form of
>>    value node and pat is false or results in a type error.
>> Stem          := str:RDFLiteral
>>    Testing a Stem parameter against a value node returns an error if
>>    the value node is not an IRI or the lexical form of the value node
>>    does not start with str.
>> ## RDFLiteral value parameters
>> ### XML Schema numeric facets: NC, PC
>> MaxExclusive  := ref:RDFLitera
>>    Testing a MaxExclusive parameter against a value node returns an
>>    error if the evaluation of (value node > ref) in SPARQL1.1 Operator
>>    Mapping returns false or results in a type error.
>> MaxInclusive  := ref:RDFLiteral
>>    Testing a MaxExclusive parameter against a value node returns an
>>    error if the evaluation of (value node >= ref) in SPARQL1.1 Operator
>>    Mapping returns false or results in a type error.
>> MinExclusive  := ref:RDFLiteral
>>    Testing a MaxExclusive parameter against a value node returns an
>>    error if the evaluation of (value node > ref) in SPARQL1.1 Operator
>>    Mapping returns false or results in a type error.
>> MinInclusive  := ref:RDFLiteral
>>    Testing a MaxExclusive parameter against a value node returns an
>>    error if the evaluation of (value node >= ref) in SPARQL1.1 Operator
>>    Mapping returns false or results in a type error.
>> ## Comparison with sibling property: PC
>> Equals        := sibling:RDFLiteral
>>    Testing an Equals parameter against a value node returns an
>>    error if there is no node v in (focus node, sibling, v) in the data
>>    graph or the evaluation of (value node = v) in SPARQL1.1 Operator
>>    Mapping returns false or results in a type error.
>> LessThan      := sibling:RDFLiteral
>>    Testing an LessThan parameter against a value node returns an
>>    error if there is no node v in (focus node, sibling, v) in the data
>>    graph or the evaluation of (value node < v) in SPARQL1.1 Operator
>>    Mapping returns false or results in a type error.
>> LessThanEquals := sibling:RDFLiteral
>>    Testing an LessThanEquals parameter against a value node returns an
>>    error if there is no node v in (focus node, sibling, v) in the data
>>    graph or the evaluation of (value node <= v) in SPARQL1.1 Operator
>>    Mapping returns false or results in a type error.
>> Disjoint      := sibling:RDFLiteral
>>    Testing an Disjoint parameter against a value node returns an
>>    error if any node v in (focus node, sibling, v) in the data graph
>>    or the evaluation of (value node < v) in SPARQL1.1 Operator Mapping
>>    returns false or results in a type error.
>> ## Nested shape constraints: PC, IPC
>> Shape         := nested:Shape @@  listed as NC, PC, IPC as of 2016-06-30
>>    Testing a Shape parameter against a value node returns any errors
>>    returned when validating the value node as nested (c.f. definition
>>    of Shape above).
>> QualifiedValueShape := nested:Shape
>>    As noted above, QualifiedValueShape takes a set of value nodes that
>>    have passed all non-cardinality tests. It's evaluation is the same
>>    as the evaluation of Shape.
>> Class         := t:IRI @@ + subClassOf*
>>    Testing a Class parameter against a value node returns any errors
>>    returned when validating the value node as a Shape with a single
>>    PropertyConstraint with a predicate(rdf:type) and HasValue(t).
>> ClassIn       := t:IRI @@ + subClassOf*
>>    Testing a ClassIn parameter against a value node returns any errors
>>    returned when validating the value node as a Shape with a single
>>    PropertyConstraint with a predicate(rdf:type) and In(t).

Karen Coyle
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet/+1-510-984-3600

Received on Sunday, 3 July 2016 16:26:18 UTC