Re: question on sh:NodeConstraint

On 2/07/2016 1:49, Iovka Boneva wrote:
> The SHACL spec says that a sh:class constraint can appear in the context of a sh:NodeConstraint.
> (see and the table in Sect. 4
> Does this mean that the following is a valid SHACL constraint ?
> ex:ExampleShape
>    a sh:Shape ;
>    sh:scopeNode ex:Bob, ex:Alice, ex:Carol ;
>    sh:constraint [
>      sh:class ex:Person ;
>    ] .
> If yes, what is the semantics of this constraint ?

Yes that's valid and it means that all nodes that are validated against 
the ExampleShape must be (SHACL) instances of ex:Person. I.e. the 
constraint applies to the focus nodes (such as Alice and Bob) directly. 
And being a SHACL instance means that subclasses of ex:Person are OK too.

> Here is how the semantics of sh:class is defined as a SPARQL query:
> SELECT $this ($this AS ?subject) $predicate (?value AS ?object)
>  $this $predicate ?value .
>  FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?value rdf:type/rdfs:subClassOf* $class } .
> }
> What would be the value of the $predicate variable in this SPARQL query for the above SHACL constraint ?

In the case of node constraints, a different query would be generated 
that simply binds ?value to $this. We are still discussing the details 
of how to best generalize the SPARQL query templates. I plan to work on 
an update to the spec using the new, generalized, path syntax this 
coming week.


> Thanks for your help.
> Iovka

Received on Sunday, 3 July 2016 02:40:23 UTC