an alternative proposal for partition

The current partition meets some additive use cases like:
  <S> {
    dc:creator PATTERN "^" ; # one creator
    dc:creator PATTERN "^"   # and one creator

but not ones with any algebraic operators like:
  <S> {
    (   dc:creator PATTERN "^mailto:.*"  # either creator
      | dc:creator {                           # or a creator some node
          foaf:mbox PATTERN "^mailto:.*" # with a foaf:mbox of
    ) ;
    dc:creator PATTERN "^mailto:.*"     # and one creator

An alternative which would be to create a syntax to capture ShEx's
partition semantics which say:
  Map the triples to the triple patterns with the same predicate.
  The node is valid with respect to a triple expression if there
  is a mapping of triple to triple pattern which satisfies the
For instance, the data
  <s> dc:creator <> .
  <s> dc:creator _:b1 .
  _:b1 foaf:mbox <> .
satisfies the above pattern.

I propose leveraging the current partition but allowing expressions:
  <S> sh:partition [
    sh:and (
      [ sh:property [
          sh:predicate ex:creator ; sh:minCount 1 ; sh:maxCount 1 ;
	  sh:pattern "^mailto:.*" ] ]
      [ sh:property [
          sh:predicate ex:creator ; sh:minCount 1 ; sh:maxCount 1 ;
	  sh:pattern "^mailto:.*" ] ]
    ) .

This also handily provides a semantics with a disjunctive OR so e.g.
  <EmployeeShape> {
      foaf:name .          # either a foaf:name
    | ( foaf:givenName . ; # or a pair of givenName
        foaf:familyName .  # and familyName
would not be satisfied with a partial pair:
  <emp1> foaf:name "Alice Cooper" .
  <emp1> foaf:familyName "Cooper" .
because the 1st disjoint doesn't use the 2nd triple and the 2nd
disjoint is missing a familyName.

Users wanting either additive properties or disjunctive OR could
use the sh:partition operator.


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Received on Thursday, 11 August 2016 01:32:43 UTC