Re: shapes-ISSUE-141 (Mixed ranges): How to represent mixed datatype-or-class ranges [SHACL - Core]

On 14/04/2016 6:44, Karen Coyle wrote:
> On 3/21/16 9:16 PM, RDF Data Shapes Working Group Issue Tracker wrote:
>> Some options:
>> 0) Do nothing, consider this a rare (anti) pattern.
> Hopefully we all agree that this is far from a rare case. The more 
> general a vocabulary (e.g. DCTerms) more likely it is to have a 
> variety of uses.
> Now the question is: do the solutions being suggested allow one to 
> have both:
> x dcterms:subject "A string"
> x dcterms:subject
> in the same graph, both valid?

Yes. That is exactly the scenario that is currently hard to express.


> Thanks,
> kc
> p.s. Stats on vocab use on open web at 
> show that DCTerms is still by far the most used, DCe (the original DC 
> set with no ranges defined) close behind, but coming up.

Received on Wednesday, 13 April 2016 21:02:52 UTC