Re: implementation of core SHACL (using proposed syntax)


in order to better understand how your algorithm works, would you be 
able to share some examples of the SPARQL that gets generated? Also, I 
assume you have some non-trivial test cases - these may be valuable 
resources for the WG in general.

(Regardless of whether the WG decided to generally recommend a 
SPARQL-transformation approach, there certainly would be value in 
exploring this possibility, e.g. as a WG note or in papers).


On 23/03/2016 3:22, Peter F. Patel-Schneider wrote:
> I put together an implementation of core SHACL with my syntax proposal.  It is
> available at
> There is a single python 2.7 file that can be called as
>    python data shapes
> to validate the data graph against the shapes graph and print the validation
> reports.
> This implements my proposed syntax but there is also code that will handle
> most of the differences between the two syntaxes.
> This implementation is a pure transformation to SPARQL.  A SHACL shape is
> transformed into a SPARQL query and the solutions in the result set are the
> violations of the shape.
> There are a few differences between this implementation and the current spec
> besides the syntax differences.  There is no translation from the result set
> to a graph.  The subject, predicate, and object come from where the violation
> was detected.  Severities may be handled slightly differently.
> peter

Received on Tuesday, 12 April 2016 04:55:37 UTC