Re: Properties v classes in validation

On 9/1/2015 15:49, Simon Steyskal wrote:
> Hi!
> Just as a small proof of concept, following ConstraintTemplate (and 
> helper function) is able to check whether X instances of type 
> ex:person exist (tested with TopBraid 5.0).
> So such constraints are in general expressible.. If we want to 
> natively support those by respective ConstraintTemplates is another 
> question though ;)
> # instance data & shape
> # ----------------------
>   ex:Person rdf:type rdfs:Class .
>   ex:Enrico rdf:type ex:Person . ex:Diego rdf:type ex:Person .
>   ex:Alessandro rdf:type ex:Person . ex:Sergio rdf:type ex:Person .
>   ex:John rdf:type ex:Person . ex:Maurizio rdf:type ex:Person .
>  ex:MyShape
>     a sh:Shape ;
>     sh:scope [
>         a sh:PropertyScope ;
>         sh:predicate rdf:type ;
>     ] ;
>     sh:constraint [
>         a ex:ClassMembershipCountTemplateConstraint ;
>         ex:type ex:Person ;
>         sh:minCount 7 ;
>         sh:maxCount 7 ;
>     ] .
> # constraint template & helper function
> # ---------------------------------------
>  ex:ClassMembershipCountConstraintTemplate
>     a sh:ConstraintTemplate ;
>     rdfs:subClassOf sh:TemplateConstraint ;
>     rdfs:label "Example Template" ;
>     rdfs:comment "Enforces a constraint on the cardinality of the 
> number of occurrences of instances of a given type using minCount and 
> maxCount. By default, given graph may have 0 to unlimited number of 
> instances of a given type" ;
>     sh:argument [
>         sh:predicate ex:type ;
>         sh:valueClass rdfs:Resource ;
>     ] ;
>     sh:argument [
>         sh:predicate sh:minCount ;
>         sh:defaultValue 0 ;
>         sh:optional true ;
>         sh:datatype xsd:integer ;
>         rdfs:label "min count" ;
>         rdfs:comment "The minimum number of instances of defined type 
> required. Defaults to 0." ;
>     ] ;
>     sh:argument [
>         sh:predicate sh:maxCount ;
>         sh:optional true ;
>         sh:datatype xsd:integer ;
>         rdfs:label "max count" ;
>         rdfs:comment "The maximum number of instances of defined type 
> required. Defaults to unlimited." ;
>     ] ;
>     sh:message "Required value count [{?predicate}..{?object}] but 
> found {?count}" ;
>     sh:sparql """
>         SELECT ?this (?type AS ?subject) ?count (?minCount AS 
> ?predicate) (?maxCount AS ?object)

Minor tweak here: to avoid having to misuse ?predicate and ?object you 
can simply return ?minCount and ?maxCount as SELECT variables:

SELECT ?this (?type AS ?subject) (rdf:type AS ?predicate) ?minCount 
?maxCount ?count

and then use them as

     sh:message "Required value count [{?minCount}..{?maxCount}] but 
found {?count}" ;

Maybe we should have a general policy to always make all template 
argument values visible in the sh:messages?


>         WHERE {
>             BIND (sh:instanceCount(?type) AS ?count) .
>             FILTER ((?count < ?minCount) || (bound(?maxCount) && 
> (?count > ?maxCount))) .
>         }
>         """ ;
> .
>  sh:instanceCount
>     a sh:Function ;
>     rdfs:label "instance count" ;
>     rdfs:comment "Gets the number of instances of a given type 
> (?arg1). The result is the number of matches of (?s, ?a, ?arg1)." ;
>     sh:argument [
>         sh:predicate sh:arg1 ;
>         sh:valueClass rdfs:Resource ;
>         rdfs:comment "The subject resource." ;
>     ] ;
>     sh:returnType xsd:integer ;
>     sh:sparql """
>         SELECT ((COUNT(?s)) AS ?result)
>         WHERE {
>             ?s a ?arg1 .
>         }
>         """ ;
> .
> cheers,
> simon
> ---
> DDipl.-Ing. Simon Steyskal
> Institute for Information Business, WU Vienna
> www:  twitter: @simonsteys
> Am 2015-09-01 05:04, schrieb Karen Coyle:
>> On 8/31/15 5:15 PM, Arnaud Le Hors wrote:
>>> I have to say that I'm not sure I completely understand either. Karen,
>>> are you saying that for every X rdf:type ex:CulturalObject there can be
>>> one or more X rdf:type ex:Person ?
>> Yes, that's one case.
>> Does that mean you really want to
>>> enforce that for every X rdf:type Person there must be one X rdf:type
>>> ex:CulturalObject ?
>> Yes. And in that sense it's a simple question of cardinality
>> definitions, but it operates on the class membership rather than the
>> property presence (which seems to be what SHACL addresses).
>> So starting with something more specific, this is what was sent to me:
>>    <!--Each graph must have exactly one instance of rdf:type
>> edm:ProvidedCHO and one
>>     instance of rdf:type ore:Aggregation (R-225)-->
>> Which is essentially:
>> each focus node must have exactly one instance of rdf:type A and
>> exactly one instance of rdf:type B.
>> Then there will be cases with different cardinality patterns, but
>> defined as class instances, not properties.
>> We are gathering some more examples, but I first wanted to make sure
>> that this is even relevant to SHACL before we do any work. Plus, I
>> wanted to start the question before the f2f, in case it is relevant.
>> If this is seen as out of scope or a quirk of ours, we'll do the
>> analysis to see if we can re-define our validation requirements in
>> terms of properties. At least in some cases I believe the answer to
>> that will be yes, but in other cases it may be difficult or require
>> some re-engineering of the vocabularies, like creating
>> super-properties where the properties that can be used are awkwardly
>> numerous.
>> So I guess the underlying question of mine is: can validation
>> conditions operate on instances of classes, in addition to validation
>> that is defined in terms of properties?
>> kc

Received on Tuesday, 1 September 2015 05:56:10 UTC