Re: Value type constraints

> sh:literalType instead of sh:datatype - since it is about literal values

For me, both are ok.

I would also like to suggest a way to constraint the language tag. For
example, I would like to express concepts that have rdfs:label.

ex:shape a sh:Shape
   sh:property [
     sh:predicate rdfs:label ;
     sh:valueDatatype xsd:string ;
     sh:languageTag "es"
   ] .

I have no preference for some specific name of that property, but I think
there should be some way to constraint the language tag of a string literal.

Best regards, Jose Labra

> On 3/27/15, 7:30 AM, "Richard Cyganiak" <> wrote:
> >Or maybe even:
> >
> >    sh:type - for constraining the value¹s rdf:type
> >    sh:datatype - for constraining the value¹s literal datatype

-- Jose Labra

Received on Friday, 27 March 2015 17:02:51 UTC