shapes-ISSUE-74 (SPARQL endpoint support): Should SHACL support vallidating RDF graphs accessible via unmodified SPARQL endpoints [SHACL Spec]

shapes-ISSUE-74 (SPARQL endpoint support): Should SHACL support vallidating RDF graphs accessible via unmodified SPARQL endpoints [SHACL Spec]

Raised by: Peter Patel-Schneider
On product: SHACL Spec

Should it be possible to validate SHACL shapes on RDF graphs that are only accessible via unmodified SPARQL endpoints?

For example, suppose 
G = { < ex:a ex:r _:a .
        _:a ex:q ex:b . }
is a data graph to be validated against the shapes
S1 = ex:r S2 [1,1]
S2 = ex:q [1,1]

Should it be possible to perform the validation if the only access G is via SPARQL queries?

If this is possible, it should also be possible for very large data graphs.

Received on Sunday, 12 July 2015 03:58:58 UTC