Re: shapes-ISSUE-80 (Scheme URIs): Constraint to limit IRIs against scheme/namespace, possibly with dereferencing [SHACL Spec]

> As a minimum, I believe we should add a keyword such as sh:valueScheme
> (suggested by Miika Alonen).  For example
> sh:property [
> sh:predicate org:memberOf ;
> sh:valueClass skos:Concept ;
> sh:valueScheme <> .
> ] .
I think this is a good start, but I believe that the sh:valueScheme 
predicate is not enough. There are to many varieties of how this use 
case needs to be supported in practical systems. I think that being 
explicit about some of the options make this better. Also we do want to 
avoid the XSD catalog issues and every SHACL instance hitting the w3c 
for the owl rdf etc...

sh:property [
sh:predicate org:memberOf ;
sh:valueClass skos:Concept ;
sh:valueScheme [
sh:sourceDocument <> ;
sh:sourceDocumentCacheResponseFor 3600 . #in seconds?
#OR something like this
sh:dereference    true ;
sh:onNetworkDereferenceFailure sh:useCachedVersion ;
#also options like sh:fail, sh:warn
#OR/AND something like this
sh:cachedInGraph <> .
A side benefit here is that the property must be present in the source 
document. But the IRI of the source document must not be a prefix of all
resources discussed in the document.

Jerven Tjalling Bolleman
SIB | Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics
CMU - 1, rue Michel Servet - 1211 Geneva 4
t: +41 22 379 58 85 - f: +41 22 379 58 58 -

Received on Friday, 14 August 2015 07:04:53 UTC