Re: Data Shapes WG agenda for 11 December 2014

Holger Knublauch <> wrote on 12/10/2014 01:09:55 PM:

> From: Holger Knublauch <>
> To:
> Date: 12/10/2014 01:10 PM
> Subject: Re: Data Shapes WG agenda for 11 December 2014
> To me the most urgent issue is to define a process in which we can 
> collectively contribute to the Requirements catalog. And then come 
> to a point soon where we can write down how well the requirements 
> are covered by the proposed technologies. We should put those 
> proposals on the table.

I agree and hope we can end the meeting with a plan and some action items 
to make progress on that front.

> Another question I have is how we can keep the group alive, because 
> progress so far has been very slow and only a small number of people
> create the majority of traffic. I am worried that very little 
> progress will be made over the xmas period where no further meetings
> are scheduled. We need to make better use of emails and similar channels 
> Holger

That's a tougher problem. Participation is voluntary and there isn't much 
we can do to force people to work on this. The charter sets the 
expectation to dedicating a day a week to this work but I'm afraid most 
people can't afford to spend that much time on this. I'll keep trying to 
push forward but there is only so much I can do. If you have specific 
suggestions on how to make us progress faster, please, let me know.
Arnaud  Le Hors - Senior Technical Staff Member, Open Web Standards - IBM 
Software Group

> On 12/11/14, 5:02 AM, Arnaud Le Hors wrote:
> The agenda for tomorrow's call is now available: 
> Note that I realize there is little chance that we can actually 
> cover it all but we'll go as far as we can. It would help if people 
> could join on time so we can start right away. 
> Regards. 
> --
> Arnaud  Le Hors - Senior Technical Staff Member, Open Web Standards 
> - IBM Software Group

Received on Thursday, 11 December 2014 18:13:16 UTC