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public-cwm-talk@w3.org from April to June 2009
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18 messages
Friday, 17 April 2009 13:53:37 UTC,
Monday, 29 June 2009 23:50:53 UTC
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RuleML-2009 REMINDER - Paper Deadline June 28th
Adrian Paschke
(Friday, 26 June)
a bug in cwm?
Story Henry
(Monday, 22 June)
Re: a bug in cwm?
Henry Story
(Monday, 22 June)
3rd International Symposium on Rules, Applications and Interoperability (RuleML-2009)
Adrian Paschke
(Sunday, 7 June)
OWL DatatypeRestriction instead of CWM builtins?
Jeff Thompson
(Thursday, 28 May)
2nd CFP RuleML-2009 - 3rd International Symposium on Rules, Applications and Interoperability
Adrian Paschke
(Tuesday, 12 May)
Announce - EulerGUI 1.1
Jean-Marc Vanel
(Tuesday, 5 May)
Updates to FuXi
(Wednesday, 29 April)
cwm updates for python 2.6
Drew Perttula
(Wednesday, 29 April)
qname shortland starting with a digit
luc peuvrier at home
(Monday, 27 April)
Re: qname shortland starting with a digit
Tim rdf
(Sunday, 28 June)
Re: qname shortland starting with a digit
Andy Seaborne
(Monday, 29 June)
Re: qname shortland starting with a digit
Tim rdf
(Monday, 29 June)
Re: [foaf-protocols] FOAF+TLS: RESTful Authentication for Distributed Social Networks
Story Henry
(Friday, 17 April)
log:conjunction and named graphs
Henry Story
(Friday, 17 April)
Re: log:conjunction and named graphs
Tim Berners-Lee
(Friday, 17 April)
Re: log:conjunction and named graphs
Dan Connolly
(Sunday, 19 April)
Re: log:conjunction and named graphs
Dan Connolly
(Monday, 20 April)
Last message date
: Monday, 29 June 2009 23:50:53 UTC