Re: log:conjunction and named graphs

On Fri, 2009-04-17 at 13:39 -0400, Tim Berners-Lee wrote:
> Henry,
> You are using owl:sameAs.
> cwm does not do owl:sameAs processing by default.
> It is an RDF processor, so it must be able to handle and input and
> output owl:sameAs graphs without processing
> There is some optional owl:sameAs processing with --closure=e  which
> does some smushing -- not much.

you might also try mixing in some rules about owl:sameAs:

{ ?u = ?uu. ?u ?p ?v. } => { ?uu ?p ?v }.
{ ?u ?p ?v. ?v = ?vv } => { ?u ?p ?vv }.

That's taken from

it's a cwm-happy elaboration of rdfp11
from ter-Horst's work.

# H.J. ter Horst, Completeness, Decidability and Complexity of
Entailment for RDF
# Schema and a Semantic Extension Involving the OWL Vocabulary, Revised
# extended version of [11], Journal of Web Semantics 3 (2005) 79-115.

Dan Connolly, W3C
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Received on Monday, 20 April 2009 12:17:03 UTC