Announce - EulerGUI 1.1

I am pleased to announce version EulerGUI 1.1, a development environment for
Semantic Web technologies, written in Java, under LGPL licence .

Out of the box, you can run :
- the Drools inference engine, but with very few of the CWM builtins
- CWM if you have installed it ;)

In addition, if you install the Yap Prolog engine, you have the latest Euler
engine, as explained in the User Manual. Euler has numerous ( and unlisted
:( ) extensions compared to CWM. For example a catch-all query is possible:
{ ?S ?P ?O } => { ?S ?P ?O } .

Euler has most of the CWM builtins, plus its own builtins:

Download from

User Manual here:

The Change Log is :

- reading and translating to N3 UML XMI files
- reading and translating to N3 EMF eCore files
- project pipeline and project import
- corrections for Vista and Mac
- N3 parser in Java based on parser4j, 4 times quicker, thanks to Luc
  now replaces the old ad-hoc Java parser
- implemented e:findall extension in Drools engine
- Drools engine : implement integrity_constraint
- add to documentation: howto_debug_n3_rules.html
- Add class DroolsRunExportedProject , with a main()
  to load and run facts and rules independently from EulerGUI,
  after clicking File / "Export as Drools".
- Generated Swing application:
   - use Drools engine at runtime
   - able to make a round-trip with user N3 file and see the modifications
     in the GUI after re-opening the file.
   - possibility to fire rules creating exception at runtime

Preceding announces are here:

Jean-Marc Vanel
Consulting, services, training,
Rule-based programming, Semantic Web
+33 (0)6 89 16 29 52
+33 (0)1 39 55 58 16

Received on Tuesday, 5 May 2009 08:52:34 UTC