Re: A draft outline for the CSV2RDF document

On 19/05/14 17:16, Andy Seaborne wrote:
> On 19/05/14 15:23, Ivan Herman wrote:
>> Let me try to see if I understand what you mean...
>> If there is no metadata assigned to the data then (at least
>> conceptually) we say that we generate a metadata of, roughly, the form:
>> {
>>     "@id" : "URI OF THE DATA",
>>     "columns" : [{
>>       "name" : "col1",
>>       "template" : "{col1},
>>     },{
>>       "name" : "col2",
>>       "template" : "{col2},
>>     }]
>> }
> Where we seem to differ is "template" - that's a template for one term
> (the object of a triple).
> The template I have in mind is a complete row:
> Taking from:
> Date-time, Air temperature (Cel), Dew-point temperature (Cel)
> 2013-12-13T08:00:00Z,     11.2,     10.2
> <site/22580943/date-time/20131213T0800Z>
>      a ssn:Observation ;
>      ssn:observationSamplingTime
>          [ time:inXSDDateTime "2013-12-13T08:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime ] ;
>      ssn:observationResult [
>          a ssn:SensorOutput ;
>          def-op:airTemperature_C
>               [ qudt:numericValue "11.2"^^xsd:double ] ;
>          def-op:dewPointTemperature_C
>              [ qudt:numericValue "10.2"^^xsd:double ] ] .
> That could be created with a template like:
> ----------------------------------------------
> Columns:
> "columns" : [{
>        "name" : "date-time"
>       },{
>        "name" : "air-temperature"
>       },{
>        "name" : "dew-point"
>     }]
> ----------------------------------------------
> <site/22580943/date-time/{date-time}>
>      a ssn:Observation ;
>      ssn:observationSamplingTime
>          [ time:inXSDDateTime "{date-time}"^^xsd:dateTime ] ;
>      ssn:observationResult [
>          a ssn:SensorOutput ;
>          def-op:airTemperature_C
>               [ qudt:numericValue "{air-temperature}"^^xsd:double ] ;
>          def-op:dewPointTemperature_C
>              [ qudt:numericValue "{dew-point}"^^xsd:double ] ] .
> ----------------------------------------------
> skipping over the conversion of 2013-12-13T08:00:00Z to 20131213T0800Z

Just to be clear - this template is not automatically generated from the 
column descriptions alone - it's a more complex mapping posisble with an 
explicitly provided template.

It is a contrast to 'template' used as column value (c.f. rr:template [1])


>      Andy
>> And, by doing that, we have only one generation algorithm instead of
>> two branches like in my document now.
>> Yes, this works, I guess. It certainly makes the specification simpler
>> and avoids getting out of sync. I am slightly worried that the
>> end-user would be a bit screwed up, but that may have to go into a
>> separate, tutorial-like text. So it may be worth doing it indeed...
>> (Would need a rewrite of the text I produced, but that is probably
>> relatively easy; just that I would not do it today or tomorrow...)
>> Ivan
>> On 19 May 2014, at 16:14 , Andy Seaborne <> wrote:
>>> On 19/05/14 15:00, Ivan Herman wrote:
>>>>>> Generating a template, if none provided, would keep the
>>>>>> user-template driven mechanism and metadata-gdefineeneated
>>>>>> template mechanism in-step.  It would be clear that they aren't
>>>>>> alternatives with (potentially) capabilities in the direct roue
>>>>>> not in the template route.  You could get the generated template
>>>>>> and tweak it, for example.
>>>> I would need an example to understand what you mean...
>>> If the columns are "foo" and "bar" and no template is in the metadata
>>> then we define the process to be to create and use:
>>> -------------------------
>>> [
>>>    :foo "{foo}" .
>>>    :bar "{bar}" .
>>> ]
>>> -------------------------
>>>     Andy
>> ----
>> Ivan Herman, W3C
>> Digital Publishing Activity Lead
>> Home:
>> mobile: +31-641044153
>> GPG: 0x343F1A3D
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Received on Monday, 19 May 2014 17:16:32 UTC