Tests with embedding, including of font resource with a @font-face rule


We have a bunch of tests, scattered in several test suites, which 
require a special, unique font (besides Ahem font) to use, to declare in 
such tests. I am trying to find the best way to declare @font-face in 
those tests. Right now, there is no guidelines that we are all 
following. I would like this to be standardized, normalized. We could 
therefore remove, drop use of the font flag (I can not remember if the 
font flag is supposed to be removed anyway from now on).

Is declaring the .woff equivalent sufficient? I do not think so, 
furthermore if the .woff filesize is rather big.

Here's what I propose, in a real test


, involving a font face that we are already using in a dozen tests:

       font-family: "M+ 1p";
       src: local("M+ 1p") , /* first try to use locally available and 
installed M+ 1p font */
       url("support/mplus-1p-regular.woff") format("woff") , /* otherwise 
download its woff equivalent */
       url("support/mplus-1p-regular.ttf") format ("truetype") ; /* 
otherwise use its TrueType font */

       /* filesize of mplus-1p-regular.woff: 803300 bytes (784.5 
KiloBytes) */

       /* filesize of mplus-1p-regular.ttf : 1571848 bytes (1.5 
MegaBytes) */

       mplus-1p-regular.ttf can be downloaded at, from


So, local would be first, .woff would be 2nd and then the font itself. 
The order between 2nd and 3rd is an ascending filesize order. And a link 
to download and install the font would be provided in a /* comment */ : 
that way, we would encourage fetching of locally installed font, which 
is always faster.

I am looking for comments, feedback here.

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Other fonts that we use in tests with a @font-face rule :

NotoSansDeseret in 5 tests:


More info: 

tcu-font.otf in 2 tests (but only with a .woff file):



but we do not provide a chance to load an already installed and 
available font resource (eg tcu-font.otf).

in a few tests:

and I know there are a few other fonts (eg WidthTest-Regular.otf , 
CSSFWOrientationTest.otf , CSSHWOrientationTest.otf , etc) we use in 

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Received on Thursday, 16 February 2017 22:22:55 UTC