Re: [css-writing-modes-3] [css-inline-3] Need for new Ahem font version with addition of 1 glyph with Vertical_Orientation property set to U

I believe I have done this.

The code used to generate the file can be found at <> (written in Swift). Please feel free to modify it in any way you like.

I modified the file in the most minimal way possible, without changing any of the strings inside the “name” table of the font. The name of the font is still Ahem, so it probably isn’t possible to install both this font and the old font at the same time.

For the vertical and horizontal stripes, I purposely placed them off-center so you could tell if the glyph is rotated 180°.

The result is attached. Please let me know if you have any problems with it.

> On Jul 27, 2016, at 2:39 PM, fantasai <> wrote:
> On 07/27/2016 02:42 AM, Myles C. Maxfield wrote:
>>> We need to create a new version of Ahem font
>> I’m happy to do this. I can probably have it done pretty soon, too.
> Wonderful!
> I think the glyphs we need are:
> 1. Copy the 'X' glyph (1em black square) to the following characters:
>      一二三四五六七八九十〇囗火水木金土
>      U+4E00 U+4E8C U+4E09 U+56DB U+4E94 U+516D U+4E03 U+516B U+4E5D
>      U+5341 U+3007 U+56D7 U+706B U+6C34 U+6728 U+91D1 U+571F
>   This will allow for basic tests to be constructed with upright CJK codepoints.
>   (We could probably get away with just 水 and 囗, but I figure we may as well
>   go with all the digits, a square-like glyph, and the five elements.)
> 2. Create a glyph that is a 20% centered vertical stripe and another that's a
>   20% centered horizontal stripe, both within a 1em square advance.
>   Assign the horizontal stripe to
>     'Χ'  U+03A7
>     '横' U+6A2A
>   and the vertical one to
>     'Υ'  U+03A5
>     '纵' U+7EB5
>   This will make it easy to create CSS tests for upright/sideways orientation.
>   (The comprehensive testing of TR50 data would need to be done with a much
>   bigger font, one with a different design than Ahem. But this will help us
>   for the CSS aspects of orientation.)
> ~fantasai

Received on Thursday, 4 August 2016 04:25:13 UTC