Re: Getting browser vendors running and submitting tests

On 29/10/15 11:37, fantasai wrote:

> I disagree with this. I think we should reduce the metadata,
> but there are some things (e.g. spec section associations)
> that we need to keep.

FWIW the counterpoint to this is that people have and will point-blank 
refuse to submit tests when there are requirements for metadata beyond 
what is strictly needed to make the tests run.

I understand why this additional metadata is nice to have particularly 
when you come back to tests later, but requiring it will cause people to 
not upstream tests that they otherwise would have. I don't have a great 
solution for you, but consider if they are ways to make more of the 
metadata implicit in e.g. the directory structure, file naming, <title> 
element, etc.

Received on Thursday, 29 October 2015 02:48:50 UTC