Re: Requirement to remove fonts after test

Le 2015-11-06 08:11, Geoffrey Sneddon a écrit :
> Hello again,
> A number of tests contain:
>> Post Test: Remove test font after running the test.
> It's not clear to me why any of them actually require the test font to
> be removed after the test. Anyone have any idea why it's there?


On my system, I have disabled only the following fonts (from the CSS 
test fonts and AhemExtra fonts package):

AHEM_cursive.TTF (font name is cursive),
AHEM_default.TTF (font name is default),
AHEM_fantasy.TTF (font name is fantasy),
AHEM_initial.TTF (font name is initial),
AHEM_monospace.TTF (font name is monospace),
AHEM_sans-serif.TTF (font name is sans-serif),
AHEM_serif.TTF (font name is serif)

because, at some point, I realized they were causing problems on my 
system: it was long ago, I can not remember which problems exactly.

If CSS2.1 tests involving those font names were all using quotes, then I 
do not see why they had to be removed (or disabled) them after checking 
font tests. So, it's not clear to me too why any of them actually 
require the test font to be removed after the test. Best would be to ask 
Arron Eicholz ...

> It seems much easier to just run all the tests with all of the fonts
> rather than anything special.
> /Geoffrey.

In my opinion, it would make sense to run all font-related tests 
together, apart from all the other non-font-related tests.

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Received on Friday, 6 November 2015 20:11:32 UTC