Re: [Test harness] Background-color code of row for test result and conflicting test results

Le 2015-06-24 16:46, Linss, Peter a écrit :
> On Jun 5, 2015, at 11:03 AM, Gérard Talbot <> 
> wrote:
>> Peter,
>> The background-color of the table-column-order-002 test is light green 
>> indicating that "two or more passes".
>> But when we look at individual test results:
>> we see that a wide majority of test result input from people taking 
>> such test is "FAIL".
>> First of all, I was the tester with Firefox Linux x86_64 with source 
>> "184.160....".
>> When you do a lot of tests with the test harness, fatigue, tedious 
>> repetitive looking can certainly make it possible to do 2 or 3 wrong 
>> input of test results out of 100. I think this is also what happened 
>> to Koji on 2015-03-21 00:22:00 EDT
>> because we can see 2 contradictory test results for the same browser 
>> (Chrome 41.0.2272.89) on the same day by the same person. The 
>> possibility of a wrong test input is increased for Chrome browser 
>> because we have to first click a bookmarklet that will prepend, suffix 
>> "-webkit-" string in front of writing-mode properties. If we forget 
>> doing so, then layout of test and test results are wrong.
>> What I am trying to say here is: when a clear majority of test results 
>> says "FAIL", I think the row color code should be updated accordingly.
> I'm reluctant to change the algorithm there, the primary purpose of
> the report page is to determine when CR exit criteria have been met.
> If there are 100 fail results from older browsers, but one pass from
> the latest version, that's a pass and needs to be interpreted as a
> pass.
> I do accept that people make mistakes and that sometimes bad
> information can get entered. So I made two changes to the harness:
> First, if the same person enters a new result for the same test, using
> the same browser, then the harness will automatically remove older
> results that were entered within the last 12 hours. So if someone
> makes a mistake, they can simply re-run the test within 12 hours and
> replace the result.

That is good enough for me; a mecanism of some sort to delete an 
erroneous result just entered a few min. ago is just what I need.


> Second, some users (with higher privileges) now have the ability to
> delete individual results. On the details page (click the test name or
> results on the results page) there is now a button (an X) that if
> clicked, will delete that result.
> Hopefully this helps.
> Peter

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Received on Wednesday, 24 June 2015 22:03:51 UTC