Re: CR+LF or LF?

On 06/03/2015 04:45 AM, Koji Ishii wrote:
> Hi all,
> Is there a guideline for the use of CR+LF or LF in the test suites?
> I'm seeing it's a bit mixed, and it causes showing differences on
> every import to our repo.
> Should we fix our import script to convert them, or should they be
> fixed in the CSS WG repo?

Definitely don't have the import script convert them.

Each individual file, unless it's testing white space processing,
should be either using LF or CRLF line endings, not a combination
of both. It really shouldn't matter which, but mixing them is
sloppy and confuses some text editors, so it's OK to fix such tests
in the repo to help make diffs consistent.

But do remember *some tests require CR to remain intact* because
we have tests for white space processing. So don't make a blanket
change to everything in the repo.


Received on Monday, 8 June 2015 22:46:32 UTC