CSS Grid Layout Test Suite Plan

Hi there,

I've been working for a while in the CSS Grid Layout test suite.
At the beginning GĂ©rard Talbot (big thanks!) was helping me with the
tests review, and a few tests have landed under:

He doesn't have time now for grid, but I've kept working creating some
new tests and sending small pull-requests to the github repository:

However, as I didn't find another reviewer yet it's getting complicated
to have so many tests in pull-requests as it's becoming a mess try to
share reference test or other resources.

So, I'm thinking that maybe it'd be a good idea to merge the
pull-requests and keep pushing tests to the repository. And eventually
some reviewer could take a look to them and mark them as accepted (I
think that was the usual workflow before github).

If nobody is against this idea, I'll go forward during next week.


Received on Wednesday, 8 April 2015 14:01:19 UTC