Test the Web Forward Documentation Update

I have been working on an update for the testthewebforward.org
documentation page. This update has several goals:

* To bring the docs up to date

* To remove low-value documentation and make it easier to find the
relevant documentation when working with tests.

* To make future maintenance of the documentation easier.

I think that one of the key reasons documentation has got out of date
with the code is that it is in a separate repository. This makes it
harder to require documentation changes as part of fixing bugs or adding
features to tools. Therefore as part of my change I have moved
documentation out into submodules, notably into web-platform-tests.
However github-pages alone aren't able to deal with this setup, and as a
result I've configured a (functionally equivalent) build process using
Travis; you push the source to one repository and it automatically
rebuilds the docs and pushes to a second repository. This also
eliminates the slightly funky use of orphan branches.

My updated docs are at [1] and there is a pull request at [2]. Feedback
would be welcome; it would be nice to deploy this in the near future
(days rather than weeks) as web-platform-tests are going to be turned on
for Mozilla's CI system very soon, and being able to point people to
up-to-date documentation is always nice.

[1] http://jgraham.github.io/
[2] https://github.com/w3c/web-platform-tests/pull/1219

Received on Tuesday, 2 September 2014 16:37:40 UTC