Re: [css3-multicol] multicol-span-all-child-002 review: proposed replacement

Also sprach "Gérard Talbot":

 > I believe the reftest is incorrect.
 > Proposed replacements
 > *********************
 > I believe Chrome 28.0.1500.95 and Prince9 handle this test correctly.
 > I believe Firefox 23, IE10 and Opera 12.16 mishandle such test.

Small point: perhaps we should replace the lime background with a white background (in case somone tries to print these documents :)

I'm a little unsure what the test tries to do. It's clear that the <div> element is too big to fit, and that implementations *may* therefore ignore 'column-span: all'. In which case, the <div> is laid out in two columns. If so, however, how can you fit three of the <span> elements in the first column? The height of the div is 10em, and each span is 4em high. Shouldn't there only be four <span> elements, two for each column? The <p> ends up in an overflow colunn, I presume.

              Håkon Wium Lie                          CTO °þe®ª        

Received on Sunday, 1 September 2013 15:14:58 UTC