Re: Underscore character in /support/ filenames: to replace with hyphen character

Le Jeu 14 mars 2013 5:51, Simon Sapin a écrit :
> Le 14/03/2013 01:46, "Gérard Talbot" a écrit :
>> Underscore ("_") character should not be in filename. Hyphen ("-")
>> character should be used instead.
> Hi,
> I’m not disputing this but I’m curious: why?


One reason I can think of actually happened to me.

Using underscore in linked filename in day-to-day
situation has the inconvenience that when links are printed, (and also
when viewed on webpages), the default underlying of filenames prevents
noticing underscore characters. So, some people can lose minutes trying
to reach a webpage url/address (and then resign) not noticing that there
is an underscore and not a blank space in the link.

Peter may have other reasons.

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Received on Thursday, 14 March 2013 16:56:12 UTC