RE: background-size-008 : title and text assert (Re: New tests submission for css3 background-clip/-origin/-size)

> background/background-size-008.html

This test isn't only set one length value, but also the maximum length (here width as 100px) of the background positioning area. See the updated test at

And below 2 tests are also to set one length value:
1) for minimum length (here width as 0px)
2) for normal length (here width 45px for down scale)

> "
> The role of the title is to identify what specific detail of a feature
> or combination of features is being tested
> "
> Basically, the title should list the "ingredients" involved in the test,
> which are subject of the test, which are targeted in the test.
> The text assert "(...) should contain a complete detailed statement
> expressing what specifically the test is attempting to prove."
> So, basically, you want the text assert to describe what/how some
> declarations - which are the object of the test - are handled or are
> parsed or are rendered or are resolved or interact with each other.
> Eg:
> review.html

Received on Monday, 15 October 2012 13:12:33 UTC