Re: [css3-background]Tests with SVG can’t run because the SVG files are missing

Emmanuel Vallois <> a écrit :

> Hi,
> All the tests listed on  
> in section 3.9 starting from “diagonal-percentage-vector-background”  
> need SVG files to run. Trying to get these files return a 404 error,  
> so these tests are currently unusable.

Hello Emmanuel,

I confirm your findings.

This is a Pre-Alpha version of the CSS Backgrounds and Borders Module  
Level 3 Test Suite.
Some tests in the test suite may contain errors.

> I would therefore suggest that after fixing the presence of SVG  
> files, the current results filed for these tests be dismissed or  
> tagged as invalid, as they couldn’t test anything.
> Wishing to be useful,
> Emmanuel Vallois


I do not know who is managing CSS3 background right now, making sure  
that all linked references are correct.

Jeff Walden CSS3 background tests in section 3.9 with SVG flag:

207 tests

If you load tests individually from within Shepherd, the SVG files are  
linked, fetched correctly.

and then click on the Test tab. So, the SVG files exist: they just do  
not seem to be linked correctly during built.

Adding, hopefully, Jeff Walden to this email, ... mostly because these  
are his tests.

Salutations amicales de Montréal,

Contributions to the CSS 2.1 test suite:

CSS 2.1 Test suite RC6, March 23rd 2011

CSS 2.1 test suite harness:

Received on Sunday, 4 November 2012 00:45:21 UTC