CSS Hierarchies Module - Test Case

Hey there,

I wrote about the CSS Hierarchies Module Level 3 [1] and made a test-case in order to test the behavior for the latest browsers [2].
Lea Verou advised me to submit this test-case in order to support the Editor's Draft of the Hierarchies Module.
I've stripped down the test-case (plain HTML/CSS) over here [3].

As I am not used to the procedure on how to submit a proper test-case.
Maybe this test is useful and you can adopt it.

- Hans

[1] http://drublic.de/blog/the-css-hierarchies-module-level-3/
[2] http://dabblet.com/gist/1854033
[3] http://drublic.de/demo/css-hierarchies-module/


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79102 Freiburg


Received on Saturday, 18 February 2012 22:19:11 UTC