Re: [css3-transitions] [css3-animations] API for testing transitions and animations

On 2/13/12 7:27 PM, Simon Fraser wrote:
> WebKit has the following on window.layoutTestController (only available in
> the test environment):
>      bool pauseAnimationAtTimeOnElementWithId(string animationName, double time, string elementId);
>      bool pauseTransitionAtTimeOnElementWithId(string propertyName, double time, string elementId);
> Both only affect the specific transition/animation specified; WebKit has no
> notion of a "document timeline".

Yeah, reconciling these will be fun...  Gecko doesn't keep track of 
per-element times, obviously, and I'm not sure we necessarily keep track 
of animations or transitions on a per-element basis by name either.

How does WebKit handle SMIL timelines?

> I do see a strong need for an API like this for the test suite, but I'd be worried
> about exposing something to content. I would never want a page on the open
> web using a method like this.

Yeah, that's why the Gecko method isn't exposed to random web pages.  I 
can maybe see requiring a special configuration option to be set to run 
the test suite; setting that option would allow the API to be called 
from an untrusted page...  But even that's somewhat scary.


Received on Tuesday, 14 February 2012 00:41:34 UTC