Re: [CSS3-mediaqueries]: Invalid test cases in test suite

On 09/29/2011 02:53 PM, Arron Eicholz wrote:
> If you are agreeing with me to add the text to the spec then that is great. We just need to get it added.
> I think what everyone is missing in this thread is, I am well aware of what 0 and +0 are per the 'real numbers' and 'zero' definitions people have referenced in these emails. Those references are great unfortunately these emails are not the spec and the spec needs those references to be clear on what it is explaining/defining.

The spec doesn't define basic mathematics terms because these already have
precise, well-accepted definitions. The spec doesn't define "greater than"
or "decimal notation" either, but I don't think it needs to.

Imho, the statement about -0 being equal to 0 should have been a non-normative
note. It is merely clarifying that we're using mathematical notation, not IEEE
doubles and therefore don't have a notion of positive or negative zeros.


Received on Thursday, 29 September 2011 23:50:05 UTC