Re: [CSS21] Invalid test cases for BIDI

On 10/25/2011 05:23 PM, Arron Eicholz wrote:
> According to CSS 2.1 the following cases I believe are invalid.
> The test expects that all the characters are evenly spaced however there is nothing I the CSS 2.1 spec that says that is the
> way these bidi cases should work.
> The first issue I see with these cases is we explicitly say for letter-spacing that the character spacing algorithms are user
> agent-dependent. This means that whatever the user agent is doing for letter spacing is correct in all instances.

We explicitly say that it is "inter-character" spacing, which, translated
means "between characters". The inter-character spacing is given as a
length. Unless you're allowing UAs to randomly vary the amount of space
by some very twisted reading of the text, this means that between each
pair of adjacent characters there should be the specified amount of space.
I don't see any reason to interpret the spec otherwise.

> Second assuming that the first rule issue I raised does not apply the spacing is an inter-character spacing in addition to the
> default space which means that it is the space between the characters of the writing direction since you have to determine
> where the space character would be.

The "default space between characters" is determined by the font and has
nothing to do with space characters.


Received on Wednesday, 26 October 2011 04:47:11 UTC