Test Harness for CSS 2.1 test suite: it's up and working

Hello all,

Just in case you're not aware of this.
The test harness is there and working (and if you are familiar with the
test suite, then, yes, an avg. of 8 seconds per test is realistic):


I took 156 tests and there are many problems with the tests

Here are my notes:

1- height-025 : bad shape

2- vertical-align-068 : really can not tell

3- outline-width-078 : not perfectly identical to a machine

4- border-bottom-applies-to-013 : rather short line and not very thick

5- absolute-replaced-height-027 : test not loading

6- padding-top-051 : Fractional pixel problem or vertical-align issue

7- font-size-073 :  Fractional pixel problem or vertical-align issue

8- border-collapse-dynamic-row-001 : no expected results

9- min-height-039 :  Fractional pixel problem or vertical-align issue

10- min-width-039 : Fractional pixel problem it seems

11- padding-right-applies-to-014
Padding-right applied to element with display inline-table
This is an incorrect testcase!

12- left-applies-to-008 : "there is a box on the left side of the page"
My neighbour would not be sure if this is a pass or a fail as there is
no box really

13- floats-wrap-top-below-bfc-001r: no expected results

14- border-width-applies-to-002 : no square but a very thick black
rectangle with a white rectangle inside.

regards, Gérard
Contributions to the CSS 2.1 test suite:

CSS 2.1 test suite (RC1; September 17th 2010):

CSS 2.1 test suite contributors:

Received on Wednesday, 22 September 2010 22:08:15 UTC