Microsoft's outline-style-hidden-001 testcase


Regarding this testcase

The spec says:
The 'outline-style' property accepts the same values as 'border-style',
except that 'hidden' is not a legal outline style.

The relevant code of the testcase is:

                background: black;
                height: 100px;
                margin-top: 40px;
                outline-style: hidden;
                outline-color: red;
                outline-width: 15px;
                width: 100px;

        <p>Test passes if there is no red visible on the page.</p>


Let's say a browser does *not* support hidden as an outline-style like
the spec says, then the initial, default outline-style will apply (which
is none) and there will be no red visible.

Let's say a browser does support hidden as an outline-style just like
border-style: hidden does, then there will be no red visible either.

So that test is not correct.

Proposed replacement:

Konqueror 4.4.5 now fails such test.

regards, Gérard
Contributions to the CSS 2.1 test suite:

CSS 2.1 test suite (beta 3; August 15th 2010):

CSS 2.1 test suite contributors:

Received on Wednesday, 1 September 2010 23:44:07 UTC