Re: first-letter-punct-before-* tests unnecessarily hard to use

On 23/12/10 02:24, L. David Baron wrote:
> On Wednesday 2010-12-22 18:18 -0800, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
>> The first-letter-punct-before family of tests are *extremely* hard to
>> evaluate.  They require intensely scanning each line to look for a
>> single 2px by 2px red square.  Even ignoring the size, red and green
> For what it's worth, my original draft of the tests used no space
> between the lines, so the success condition was just a solid green
> block (though uneven at the bottom).  Would that be an acceptable
> alternative?

It'd be better than we have now, though I'm not sure it'd be ideal. 
Certainly when they were first run here some of the screenshots missed 
some red, and I know I still missed some when I checked them…

It would however solve the issue first-letter-punct-before-015 poses for 
us: it's taller than the viewport we take a screenshot of. (I understand 
Gecko does something similar of taking a screenshot of a fixed size for 
reftests, which would presumably present the same issue.)

Is there any reason that references can't be trivially created for the 
first-letter-punct-before-* tests?

Geoffrey Sneddon — Opera Software

Received on Friday, 24 December 2010 15:58:33 UTC