Re: RC4 build published

On Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 10:17 PM, Linss, Peter <> wrote:
> There are 576 changed tests (533 in HTML), the harness is currently showing 357 missing results from WebKit.

Almost all of these are fixed now.  I've only skipped the
user-stylesheet ones, font-matching-rule-014 (the link to the font
doesn't work), text-transform-bicameral-021 and -022 (don't have a
Deseret font on this box, and don't want to go find one at the moment)
and a few of the first-letter-punct-before-* ones that are way too
long and tester-unfriendly for it to be worth doing (however, at least
one other person has marked the punct ones that I skipped as passing,
so hopefully they're right).

I also took the liberty of running Firefox 4b7 through the testsuite,
with the same skips.  Most of the tests pass in both, luckily.

A few notes:

c43-rpl-ibx-000, font-044, font-046, font-046, font-048, font-049,
units-001, and units-004 I noticed as all technically failing in
either Chrome or Firefox, but only due to rounding differences.  I
marked them all as passing.

before-after-images-001 is invalid, as it assumes a particular
treatment of broken images in 'content'.  Due to this, Chrome is
technically failing, though it conforms to the spec.

active-selector-002 is invalid, as it appears to assume that <span>s
can't be :active (if they can be, the third line goes red).  This
isn't a valid assumption, and both Chrome and Firefox allow any
element to be :active when clicked.


Received on Thursday, 23 December 2010 02:02:58 UTC