RE: [RC3] table-height-algorithm-005 is invalid

On Wednesday, October 27, 2010 10:19 PM Gérard Talbot wrote:

> 005.htm
> algorithm-005.xht
> If a percentage height on a cell computes to auto, then both cells will use
> minimum content height, which is 20px each. The extra height remaining
> (2em) from the table can be all distributed in the first row or all in the 2nd
> row or split equally in both. There is no normative requirement on how to
> distribute the remaining height.
> "
> 17.5.3 Table height algorithms
> The height of a table is given by the 'height' property for the 'table'
> or 'inline-table' element. A value of 'auto' means that the height is the sum of
> the row heights plus any cell spacing or borders. Any other value is treated as
> a minimum height. CSS 2.1 does not define how extra space is distributed
> when the 'height' property causes the table to be taller than it otherwise
> would be.
> "
> So, it is not reasonable to assume that the 2nd row will get all of the extra
> 2em.
> The pass condition states that blue and black boxes are *NOT* the same
> height. (I think some people may have missed the "not" in the sentence.)
> FWIW, Mozilla IR (using Firefox 4.0b6) indicates that it passed this test; over
> here, using Firefox 3.6.11, the black stripe and the blue stripe have the same
> height (32px).
> In Chrome 7.0.517.41, the black stripe and the blue stripe have the same
> height (32px) while the IR for Chrome 6 indicated that it passed such
> testcase.
> Am I missing something here?
> I suspect that the same conclusion should apply to
> 006.htm
> as well.

Removed table-height-algoriothm-005 and 006

Arron Eicholz

Received on Friday, 3 December 2010 17:30:04 UTC