RE: at-charset-013

On Wednesday, November 24, 2010 9:24 AM Chris Lilley wrote:
> In the test Test at-charset-013, the pass criteria is "Test passes if the "Filler
> Text" below is green."
> But there are then two lines, both of them have the same text
> Filler Text
> Filler Text
> In Firefox Mnefield 4.0b8pre I see the top line in red and the bottom line in
> green. According to the pass criteria, this is a pass because it is in green
> below. But its also in red below.
> If the intent is that both lines are green, this should be said explicitly.
> (While I was typing this we resolved on the CSS WG call that yes, both lines
> should be green)

Arron Eicholz

Received on Thursday, 2 December 2010 02:28:13 UTC