RE: Microsoft CSS 2.1 Tests: Use of PREREQUISITE

Anne van Kesteren wrote:
> At leasts tests in the Chapter_4 folder use "PREREQUISITE" in two
> different ways. As instructions how to set up your server properly for
> the
> CSS files to function and how to set user preferences. I would suggest
> to
> move the former into a readme.txt or some such within the support
> folder
> as they are not useful for people running the actual tests.

I agree there is some inconsistency. Both technically are "PREREQUSITES" however one requires setup before running the test and the other can be done on the fly. If we do a readme.txt solution we still need to notify the tester that the test requires some server setup to run correctly.

I also there is one other test that I can think of that has a similar pattern in Chapter 5 (lang-selector-005). We should make sure that the final solution is done on both files.

Arron Eicholz

Received on Tuesday, 21 April 2009 16:11:06 UTC