RE: page-break-after proposed tests

I think one thing we may be missing wrt print tests that will be
important for test usability is an indication of the end of the test.
Otherwise, how does the tester know that all pages of the test printed?

So for example,
r-auto-02-a.xht (page-break-after-002.xht) has only one page; but the
description doesn't make that clear.  The last sentence, "This sentence
must be on the first page.", indeed seems to imply should be a second

We should either use text to indicate how many pages a test must print,
or adopt a convention to put an 'End of Test' string on the last page.

So I would either change the last sentence to read: "This sentence must
be on the first and only page.", or add an h3 with contents "End of

(These comments pertain to all the print tests, and not just the example

Best wishes,


> -----Original Message-----
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of fantasai
> Sent: Friday, October 05, 2007 12:04 AM
> To: Michael Turnwall
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: page-break-after proposed tests
> Michael Turnwall wrote:
> > Edits have been made.
> break-after-always-01-a.xht
> Added as
>    page-break-after-000.xht
> break-after-auto-02-a.xht
> Added as
>    page-break-after-001.xht
> and removed extraneous .dummy rule.
> break-after-invalid-syntax-15-a.xht
> I wrote:
> > This test is incorrect.
> >  ...
> > BTW, did you run your tests in Prince to see if they pass? Because 
> > this one, as written, should have failed.
> The test is still incorrect. And you did not answer my 
> question about whether or not you tested in PrinceXML.
> break-after-inline-elements-16-a.xht
> Added as
>    page-break-after-002.xht
> break-after-no-inherit-17-a.xht
> Added as
>    page-break-after-003.xht
> ~fantasai

Received on Wednesday, 10 October 2007 21:06:55 UTC