Re: Shared support files

Arron Eicholz wrote:
> I read in some of the test suite documentation that support files should be named after the test
> case similar to test-topic-###.png or test-topic-###.js.
> What if we have a support file that is shared with multiple tests? Should we create a copy of
> that support file for every test and name it according to the test that it applies to (this makes
> tests very portable) or should we mark that file as shared in some way and figure out a solution
> to identify what tests the support file is being used in?

If it's shared only across a series of tests with the same test-topic, you can name it after
the test-topic. If it's a bit more general than that, just give it a reasonably descriptive name.
We do have some support files that are shared across multiple tests. (The 4-part yin-yang,
for example.) I don't think we need to put any special indexing for the support files; a
'grep' in the test directory will easily give a list of any files that need it.


Received on Monday, 2 July 2007 19:20:08 UTC