Re: CSS 2.1 tests: again (I)

Gabriele Romanato wrote:
> Just finished to upload the new tests:
> basic/atomic

In general, for assertion statements you should either
   - use the term "UA" instead of "browser" since some CSS processors aren't
     really browsers (e.g. PrinceXML's X/HTML+CSS -> PDF tool isn't really
     a browser)
   - use the passive voice, e.g. "Invalid declarations must be ignored"

For future reference filenames should follow the format in
e.g. at-rules-000.xht rather than atrules0.html
But this is pretty easy for me to fix when I'm checking things in,
so it's not a problem for these tests. :)


   Great test, just a few metadata comments: The test is testing that UAs
   ignore invalid @rules, but more specifically it's testing that an
   @import statement that occurs after a valid ruleset is ignored.
   So I'd change the assertion to
     "@import statements that occur after a valid ruleset must be ignored"
   (and change the title to something like "@import after ruleset")

Since the atrules0.css and atrules1.css are used in multiple tests, let's
name them "import-fail.css" and "import-pass.css". We'll keep them in the
support/ directory, and future tests can use them too.


   Good test, just a few comments:
     a) Please use @media all, since these tests need to work on all UAs. :)
     b) Also, please indent code inside braces


   Umm.. I can't find the spec text that would define how this is parsed.
   I'm going to post to www-style, I'll have to get back to you on this test!


   This test would be better written with the style rule
     p  {color: green; {color: red }; border: solid green; }
   and a requirement that the text be green *and* have a solid green border.
   The UA isn't supposed to ignore the entire block if there's invalid syntax
   in it, it's only supposed to ignore the invalid piece of it. So in this case
   it should throw out "{color: red };" but keep the other two declarations.


   Again, I'd write the CSS as
     p {* color: red; border: solid green; }
   and require the green border and no red. This way we're testing that the
   declaration is thrown out but not the whole rule.


Received on Thursday, 20 December 2007 23:08:22 UTC