- [Bug 15430] Interaction with getBoundingClientRect/elementFromPoint is not defined (Monday, 30 September)
- [Bug 23374] "DOMPointLiteral" -> DOMPointInit (Thursday, 26 September)
- [Bug 23374] New: "DOMPointLiteral" -> DOMPointInit (Thursday, 26 September)
- [Bug 23014] Backface-visibility cannot be tested by only looking at m33 (Wednesday, 25 September)
- [Bug 23015] Preserve-3d + backface visibility semantics need to be clarified (Wednesday, 25 September)
- [Bug 15430] Interaction with getBoundingClientRect/elementFromPoint is not defined (Friday, 20 September)
- [Bug 23304] New: "when applying the transforms that apply to the ..." (Friday, 20 September)
- [Bug 15430] Interaction with getBoundingClientRect/elementFromPoint is not defined (Thursday, 19 September)
- [Bug 15430] Interaction with getBoundingClientRect/elementFromPoint is not defined (Thursday, 19 September)
- [Bug 15430] Interaction with getBoundingClientRect/elementFromPoint is not defined (Thursday, 19 September)
- [Bug 15430] Interaction with getBoundingClientRect/elementFromPoint is not defined (Thursday, 19 September)
- [Bug 15430] Interaction with getBoundingClientRect/elementFromPoint is not defined (Thursday, 19 September)
- [Bug 22182] "[ArrayClass]" for MediaList (Thursday, 19 September)
- [Bug 23238] Region styling syntax should sync with 'distributed' from Shadow DOM (Friday, 13 September)
- [Bug 23238] New: Region styling syntax should sync with 'distributed' from Shadow DOM (Friday, 13 September)
- [Bug 23237] New: "When a method or an attribute is said to call a..." (Friday, 13 September)
- [Bug 23233] Remove race condition for things that cause a download (Friday, 13 September)
- [Bug 23233] New: Remove race condition for things that cause a download (Friday, 13 September)
- [Bug 23228] New: Define devicePixelRatio (Thursday, 12 September)
- [Bug 22479] "disabled flag" should look at media/alternate/etc (Thursday, 12 September)
- [Bug 23191] "serialize a CSS value" wrong for 'border:solid' (Thursday, 12 September)
- [Bug 23222] Define "scrolling box" (Thursday, 12 September)
- [Bug 23222] New: Define "scrolling box" (Thursday, 12 September)
- [Bug 23221] New: Add a "conformance checker" conformance class (Thursday, 12 September)
- [Bug 23066] Opinions wanted: preferred behavior of setProperty (Wednesday, 11 September)
- [Bug 23066] Opinions wanted: preferred behavior of setProperty (Wednesday, 11 September)
- [Bug 23066] Opinions wanted: preferred behavior of setProperty (Wednesday, 11 September)
- [Bug 23197] New: Typos introduced by https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/csswg/rev/829b2b0f3be8 (Tuesday, 10 September)
- [Bug 23191] New: "serialize a CSS value" wrong for 'border:solid' (Monday, 9 September)
- [Bug 7050] New Feature Request - Target for Link (Monday, 9 September)
- [Bug 22772] Ability to position an element relative to and overlapping a non-sibling and non-ancestor element (see comment 15) (Thursday, 5 September)
- [Bug 22772] Ability to position an element relative to and overlapping a non-sibling and non-ancestor element (see comment 15) (Thursday, 5 September)
- [Bug 22772] Ability to position an element relative to and overlapping a non-sibling and non-ancestor element (see comment 15) (Thursday, 5 September)
- [Bug 22772] Ability to position an element relative to and overlapping a non-sibling and non-ancestor element (see comment 15) (Thursday, 5 September)
- [Bug 22772] Ability to position an element relative to and overlapping a non-sibling and non-ancestor element (see comment 15) (Wednesday, 4 September)
- [Bug 23144] New: "in lexicographical order" (Tuesday, 3 September)
- [Bug 22772] Ability to position an element relative to and overlapping a non-sibling and non-ancestor element (see comment 15) (Tuesday, 3 September)
- [Bug 22772] Ability to position an element relative to and overlapping a non-sibling and non-ancestor element (see comment 15) (Tuesday, 3 September)
- [Bug 22772] width, height, top, left attributes or properties that always work (Tuesday, 3 September)
- [Bug 23127] Specify moveBy moveTo resizeBy resizeTo (Tuesday, 3 September)
- [Bug 22772] width, height, top, left attributes or properties that always work (Tuesday, 3 September)
- [Bug 22772] width, height, top, left attributes or properties that always work (Tuesday, 3 September)
- [Bug 7050] New Feature Request - Target for Link (Monday, 2 September)
- [Bug 22772] width, height, top, left attributes or properties that always work (Monday, 2 September)
- [Bug 22772] width, height, top, left attributes or properties that always work (Monday, 2 September)
- [Bug 22766] document.width, document.height, etc available for cross-platform (Monday, 2 September)
- [Bug 23127] Specify moveBy moveTo resizeBy resizeTo (Monday, 2 September)
- [Bug 23127] New: Specify moveBy moveTo resizeBy resizeTo (Monday, 2 September)
Last message date: Monday, 30 September 2013 14:02:19 UTC