Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-display-4] Define how reading-order / reading-order-items interact with focusable display: contents elements. (#9230)

On this topic, here are a few more tricky cases where having display: contents on a flex item causes unclear reading order.

### What should be the reading order if reading order items are defined inside a slot (has display: contents) and cross navigation scopes?
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<template shadowrootmode="open" shadowrootdelegatesfocus>
.wrapper {
display: flex;
reading-order-items: flex-visual;
<div class=wrapper>
<button id="A" style="order: 2">Item A</button>
<button id="C" style="order: 4">Item C</button>
<button id="B1" style="order: 1">Slotted B1</button>
<button id="B2" style="order: 3">Slotted B2</button>
Which will render to:
Source order: A,B1,B2,C
Visual order: B1,A,B2,C

Given the [flattened tabindex-ordered focus navigation ](, step 2.2, we should visit all elements within a scope together (so B1,B2 together). However, that is visually the wrong order.

### What should be the reading order if reading order items are defined inside a display: contents shadow root and cross navigation scopes?

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
 .wrapper {
   display: flex;
   reading-order-items: flex-visual;
<div class=wrapper>
 <div style="display: contents" id="root">
   <template shadowrootmode=open>
   <button id="A2" style="order: 2">A</button>
   <button id="B2" style="order: 1">B</button>
 <button id="C" style="order: 3">C</button>
Which will render to
Source order: A,B,C
Visual order: B,A,C

Here, we have a DIV that is:
* Shadow root (so a focus navigation scope owner)
* Its layout parent is a reading order container
* Has display: contents

A reading order item is defined using layout information. And in this case, this DIV is invisible to the layout object. Should the DIV qualify as a reading order item? My thinking is yes or else we wouldn't be able to visit its content.

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